I set out to see how many fire ant colonies I could find in an area of approximately three acres on a cold December day. I knew there would be many, but had no idea there would be this many. I surely did not find them all, as I did not take time to cover every square foot. The result: 120 fire ant colonies on three acres. 40 per acre. The reason that there are so many is that these are the red imported fire ants, which aren't native to the area and don't have any natural predators. They are also more aggressive than the native fire ants and they out compete them for resources. In some areas, there can be hundreds of colonies per acre. The first few pictures are of my favorite finds. There are 117 pictures with several containing multiple colonies to get to 120.
 Image 1 - Disrespectful wild animal disturbed and then crapped on an ant hill. | |  Image 2 - Anthill hiding under a wheelbarrow. | |  Image 3 - In a cinder block. |
 Image 4 - The largest ant hill I found | |  Image 5 - Fire ant hill built on a storage shed. | |  Image 6 - Inside a storage shed. |
 | |  Image 8 - On a railroad tie. | |  Image 9 - Another railroad tie. |
 Image 10 - In a potting soil bag. | |  Image 11 - On top of a stump. | |  Image 12 - On another shed. |
 Image 13 - On a fence post. | |  Image 14 - Built around a plastic bin. | |  |